Virtual Data Room Usage in the Life Science Industry

It could be for a merger or acquisition or strategic partnership or a legal requirement to share documentation with third parties, companies within the life science industry typically require a VDR to securely share confidential information. The ability to modify permissions and provide real-time annotations is an excellent way to enhance productivity and collaboration, particularly when there are multiple stakeholders as well as users and partners in the project.

Additionally, iDeals offers a granular permissions system that allows administrators to manage access to files for individuals or groups, such as what they can do with them (print, download copies/pastes, take pictures) and the types of devices they can access the information (computer, mobile). This level of security makes it easy for administrators to comply with GDPR regulations and other data privacy requirements.

Aside from its advanced document management capabilities, iDeals also ensures that all documents stored in the VDR are backed up regularly to ensure that data is not lost. In the event of an event of natural disaster or technical issue, you can recover all your data with little or no disruption to business operations. This is especially important for companies that operate in the life sciences industry, which are subject to strict standards and regulations. iDeals’ data centers are top of the line with different levels of redundancy. They also offer various security protocols that safeguard sensitive information from cyber threats. This makes it a great option for life science companies that must protect their intellectual property while collaborating with their partners, stakeholders and investors.